
Up Here

You ever take time to look at yourself in the mirror? Do you look yourself in the eye and have a one on one conversation with you? What do you say? Do you ask if he/she is alright? I know you already know that, maybe you are ok maybe you are not. If i cought you in a conversation with you i’m sure i would be shocked with how free you are, how honest you are. Well that honesty part may not apply but atleast you are free so… I wonder what the voices in your head sound like, are they calm and collected or are they loud and wild?

You have to be the easiest person to talk to. But then i fugured maybe there is two of you. Logic and heart . I wouldn’t bet on the heart, too sentimental, i guess that’s why you have the brain. Maybe invest in logic, though that also could tear you apart mercilessly. So maybe when you are staring aimelessly there’s a big fight in your head. The heart wants you to do whats humane and logic well that follows factual basis, inhumane or not.

Before you say something, do you really think or do you just spit it out? Do you care about it’s effect on the recipient or is it typical of you to think about just you? What conversations go through that head of yours? Are they intense or are you shallow? I think you have to have them, the negatives and the positives.

The last time i took pictures, i thought they were ugly. I didn’t even get that first 15 minutes where you think ‘I am extremely pretty’ no. I invested time and yet nothing. I was out here looking like shit. That’s what i thought and no one and nothing made me feel better. And the voice in my head was like ” girl everybody has got this side, but you are on the extreme bro, like who is that??? ” She was laughing at me, ok i was laughing at me. I still haven’t identified that girl in my gallery. she lost, i know it.

I wonder who was in my head laughing at me. Can’t be my heart, that girl loves too much. I talk to myself, cause clearly i don’t listen to anyone else. The next time your head has so many voices up there, take a chill pill. You could also enjoy the discussion, see what every voice has to say, depending on the number of voices up there and pick who is going to be making today’s decisions.

By missngila

Social introvertšŸ™ƒ